Saturday, January 21, 2017

My Babies are Growing Up

As a mom, there are many times I look at the kids and just cannot believe how big they are. I realize that gets said a lot, but there is a reason for it! Because it's true! I used to be able to cling on to Nora's still small features and trick myself into thinking my babies are still babies.

Oliver has become so independent. He's dressing himself, getting his own food. The latest independent move has been learning to tie his shoes. It's amazes me how he catches on so quickly to things anymore. One day it seems like he'll never get it whether it be tying his shoes, reading, or riding his bike, and the next he's a pro! He is showing some of my perfectionist traits unfortunately. Hopefully he uses them to his advantage in the future and does a better job of following through with his intentions than I did.

Brynn is my little stylist. She always has to wear a skirt and have her hair done. She is my girly-girl! When I was younger, I loved it when my mom would rub my hair or brush it and now I love doing her's. She was given make-up for Christmas but I'm thinking she may be reacting to it because he face gets blotchy and her eyes get squinty! Poor girl! She is a little mommy and loves to help with Nora, at times a little too much.

Now my little Nora. The baby. I realized today that she will soon be out of diapers as we have started introducing the potty. The thought of never having to buy diapers again is both excitement and sadness. Diapers are the last step of baby-hood. We said good-bye to the bottle, good-bye to the mushed up food, good-bye to having to help her feed herself. Diapers are the end of our baby chapter.

We know we will be done with so many phases now that Nora is getting older and it is such a bittersweet feeling. I've come to the point where I am accepting this. We will have so many more fun memories in the years to come and watching them grow and learn will be awesome!

Dear God, Words can never express how truly gracious to You we are that you blessed us with these three little goof-balls! Help us to guide them and love them as You guide and love us. Amen.

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