Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good Moments

Do you ever have one of those days where everything falls into place. Where things align the way you need them to and stress seems to melt away? Today was one of those days for me.

I know a couple days ago I posted about being so stressed out over a bump in the road. Stressing over something that I didn't know if it would work out or not. Well, thankfully, God grants us new days. Days to start over. Days to have a new perspective. Days to trust in Him that all will be okay. Our dilemma was worked out. Am I still upset that it had to happen in the first place? Absolutely. But all I can do is pray that we don't have to deal with that again and that I will be more diligent to NOT LET it happen again. Because I am so done with dealing with that kind of stuff.

No, I won't go into specifics because not all things need to be shared. If you feel like you need to know what it was, think of something that has happened in your life more than you'd like to admit. Something that you've had to fight through, organize through, adapt through. Think of that and think of how stressed you were to get through it. How you held your breath waiting for those moments to pass and to see the light on the other side. If you have never had one of those moments, THEN you can judge me for being dramatic or for being so stressed when it seemed to have worked out fine. I'm only human.

Solving that dilemma was a good part of today. I felt relief, not defeat. I felt like God was there guiding me to find the solution. Like I said, I hope this does not occur again but to know that God is in my corner really does lift the weight off of my shoulders and give me hope that I can beat this and I can find a way to stay on top of things.

Another thing about today, this is my first week at my new schedule and I am LOVING it! Already I don't feel as strung out when I get home. I feel more relaxed and that I can just enjoy what's going on around me rather than rush through the evening. Now, don't get me wrong, I have had moments of frustration with the kids not listening as well as I would like them to, but it hasn't been near as bad as past moments.

I really do hope it continues to feel this way and becomes even better. I'm trying not to get to caught up in schedules and just letting the kids and I enjoy the summer and enjoy spending some extra time together. That will all come into play soon enough when school starts up again.

Today was just a good day and I want to share that feeling with others. That even though everyday might not be a good day, hang on to and enjoy the ones that are. Don't feel like a bad day has to run into all subsequent days. It's okay to start fresh and find the good in your day, whatever that may be!

Dear God, Thank you for allowing me to feel your presence today. Help me to continue on your path and to not get so wrapped up in what's going wrong but focusing on what is feeling right. Amen

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