Thursday, January 26, 2017

Motivated to be a DIY'er

Over the last hour and a half I have become more motivated to become a DIY'er. Why do you ask? What could possibly have happened to make me want to take on projects in my home? Money. We don't have a lot so whatever we have to take out, I feel a painful budget punch in the gut.

Before the plumbers even got started, they gave me a quote of the services I have asked them to do. Already at just under $500, as they work I am told that there will have to extra costs due to the unforeseen work they would have to do. And what can I say to them? No thanks, I want you to leave your work as is and we'll just dig a hole in the backyard? Plumbing work is like Pringles...Once you start, you can't stop!

Next comes the fun of rearranging finances to cover such a cost that is now just under $750. Nothing is worse than the realization that it's so much easier to spend money than it is to save money. Yikes! 

So I am now determined to complete our upstairs bathroom ourselves. I have YouTube, I have Pinterest, I have my dad. All of which could hopefully guide us through this process. It's going to be a Tortoise race where slow but steady wins the race.

Dear God, Give me guidance and will-power to remember things like this need to be done which makes it so much more important to get control of our finances. Amen

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