Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why Writing?

What made me turn to writing?

I have always enjoyed writing. Whether it be journaling, speadsheets, lists, poems, stories, I have always had a love for it. I am an organized person and I feel like writing is the best way for me to maintain that. There's just something about getting everything out in front of me that helps me process, that helps me cope, that helps me solve whatever it is I'm going through. If I let it all stay in my mind and try to grasp at things, I get flustered and usually end up landing on my ass.

Through my writing, I feel like a weight has been lifted. Almost like when I pray to God, which I feel my writing is. I've never been a good speaker and I feel like I can make more sense of things when I write and feel like I can connect better when I'm writing. All of a sudden everything that had been bothering me is lifted. The situation may not be solved, but at least I feel like I've gained an edge. There have been many times after I write that I have more confidence in confronting something that has been bothering me. If BJ and I got into an argument, I go back and talk to him about it or apologize for it. I'll text or call someone I've been thinking about. I just have a new perspective and feel I can move forward.

I am also a "worst case scenerio" thinker and that's why I like to write stories. My biggest fear growing up was that I would drive off a bridge. Don't ask me why, it's just been my fear. So every time I drove over a bridge, which is a lot, I would often think of how terrible it would be if I drove off and fell into the river or creek or whatever was under that bridge. Then I'd start to think about what WOULD happen and here came the stories. Now I have never shared my stories and I don't know if I ever will but there are written or partially written.

Poems are just fun to write. They are hard, but worth it! They can take a lot of time and a lot of trial and error but I enjoy them. I wrote a poem for my dad for his 60th birthday with the help of my sisters and it was a lot of fun! Most of the time they are just silly but I have written a few serious ones, especially in my younger days.

Lists! There is nothing like writing on a piece of paper and crossing out as you go along. I love it! BJ makes fun of me that I still have a paper planner instead of putting everything on my phone, there is no joy in that! Same goes with reading books. I can't do Kindles or Nooks or whatever else is out there now for reading. I need paper. I need to be able to flip a page and, let me be honest, I need to read the last page. It's just my thing.

Like I said, I have been writing in a journal for a long time but typing in that area is much easier. My hands don't get as crampy and it's harder to get a hand-written journal out in the public. Although if you asked my husband, he would argue that it could go public but that's another story...

I honestly think that God has given me this passion (I don't know if I can call it a gift yet because I don't know how good I am) to reach out to others. I don't know how to to who but maybe. I can't ignore that feeling when I've felt a very strong pull to writing for a very long time. Not to mention the fact that I feel so much better after I have written, whether I've posted or not. Just to know that I did it makes me feel so good! You can't ignore a feeling like that or dismiss it as being anything but God guiding you to follow his path.

I have no idea where starting this blog will take me, but I'm excited to see how it all unfolds. And I truly appreciate all those that I have told and have retained their laughter! Seriously, your encouragement has made this so much more enjoyable and I am forever grateful!

Dear God, thank you for giving me this passion and for guiding me to pursue it. Help me to always remember that as long as I'm following Your plans, I will not fail. Amen

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